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Tom’s Class of the Week – Stress Smarter

November 27, 2012

It’s the 47th week of 2012, and the world population is about:


Welcome to my new weekly post about They are a business designed to help people build new skill sets, and as I see it, find more happiness. Dabble is a great opportunity to start a hobby, turn a current hobby into a business, or learn American sign language. Here’s how it works:

  1. Visit
  2. Choose your city
  3. Scan classes in your city to find an interesting topic
  4. For $20.00, attend a class


Lead your own class

Now it’s time for Tom’s first-ever recommendation for Class of the Week…Stress Smarter. “You’ll have a solid toolkit upon which to draw to help manage, reduce and even– gasp!– embrace the silent killer we call stress.” Only 12 spots left! (Click the photo to learn more)

Stress Smarter

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